Friday, October 23, 2015

Nodejs 4.x.x on Raspberry Pi

Simple steps to install nodejs 4.x.x on Raspberry Pi 2:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

curl -sL | sudo bash -

sudo apt-get install nodejs

I got version 0.10.4 yours can be different.

Let's update it to the version 4.x.x:

sudo npm install -g n

sudo n stable

Restart the terminal and type

node -v

I got version v4.2.1

P.S. OS version on my Raspberry Pi:

Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
Release:        7.8
Codename:       wheezy

You can check your version simply by typing:

lsb_release -a

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nodejs 4.x.x on Debian 7 wheezy

If you use debian 7 wheezy and cannot install nodejs of version 4.x.x most likely it's because you have a wrong version of gcc. Nodejs 4.x.x requires gcc 4.8 or higher. Unfortunately Debian has gcc 4.8 starting from version 8 jessie. Fortunately there is a way to install it.

In order to install you need to adjust sources.list file in /etc/apt. Just add on line at the bottom of this file:

deb jessie main non-free contrib

Now check if you have preferences file in /etc/apt. If no then just create one.
Add following content to this file:

Package: *
Pin: release n=wheezy
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: gcc*
Pin: release n=jessie
Pin-Priority: 910

Now just use aptitude to install required version of gcc

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install gcc/jessie

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Interesting behavior in Moment.js

Momemnt.js is a great library to work with dates. One of the features that I really like is ability to parse dates in different formats. Recently our QA has found that dates in short format, where the year is represented by 2 digits behave differently. For example date format is DD.MM.YY in this case we will have following results:

'12.05.88' becomes Thu May 12 1988 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)
'12.05.52' becomes Sun May 12 2052 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)

We got two dates in different centuries.
Turned out to be there is a special function called parseTwoDigitYear and default implementation is:

hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {
    return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);

It means that all years after 68 will be in 20th century but 68 and everything bellow 68 will go to the 21st. What is also interesting that 68 is just a random number. Good thing is that it could be adjusted.
You can override this behavior. As example let's make it return always the year 1995.

moment.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {
    return 1995;

You can find more about customization here

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

JSCS for different platforms

We use jscs in our project. It's nice tool, and has nice feature, it allows to use configuration files from the other teams. We decided to take one from Airbnb. Everything was great, but there is one problem, some developers in our team use Windows environments, other Mac OS, and our build machine is hosted on Debian. It brings us the situation that some machine have CRLF line endings and some LF endings. And we need some way to use jscs on the all environments. Since we use gulp task manager, it was logical to include jscs check in our build process, and in order to make it work we just put one if statement that overrides line endings rule based on the OS where the script is executed.

.jscsrc file

  "preset": "airbnb",
  "fileExtensions": [ ".js" ],
  "validateLineBreaks": 'LF'

Function inside gulp files, that reads and adjust if need .jscsrc

function readRules() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile('.jscsrc', (error, data) => {
    if (error) {
    else {
      let config = JSON.parse(data);
      if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
        config.validateLineBreaks = 'CRLF'


It was fine and worked fine for us. Another problem that we ran into was Webstorm support. Webstorm is a very cool IDE for javascript and turned out to be, that it also supports jscs validation out of the box. You just need go to the settings and enable it. But the same issue as before, we have different environments and Webstorm parses all sources and applies jscs config to each of them, but there is now way to apply any conditions. We didn't find any nice way to tune that behavior for Webstorm, We decided to simply ignore line endings during development process in IDE but still have it as a part of our build script. So we just disable that rule completely by setting  validateLineBreaks to null.

.jscsrc file that suppress validateLineBreaks from parent configuration(airbnb)

  "preset": "airbnb",
  "fileExtensions": [ ".js" ],
  "validateLineBreaks": null

It means that validation by Webstorm, which simply runs node.js under the hood and passes jscssrc.json as a parameter, will consider all line endings to be correct. OK, great, one small thing to change is gulp task, to put both line endings into play, instead of overriding as before, since now jscs has it to be set to NULL.

Adjusted function in gulp file that set correct line endings for both OS's

function readRules() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile('.jscsrc', (error, data) => {
    if (error) {
    else {
      let config = JSON.parse(data);

      config.validateLineBreaks = os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'CRLF' : 'LF';


Some things to mention:
1. Since we take Airbnb version as base one, we get settings where validateLineBreaks set to LF
2. Why do we care about line endings at all...well it's a good practice and we want to be consistent.
3. How does it work between environments?! Git does the magic. We simply set autocrlf setting to true. It means that every time somebody checkout sources under Windows OS git normalized all files and replace LF with CRLF, on *NIX environments git replace CRLF line endings with LF, of cause if there are such.

1. There is no way to put some conditions into jscsrc
2. By setting jscs rule to null we can disable it completely
2. Some OS specific validation like validateLineBreaks could be a part of a build task(gulp, grunt, etc.)